22 June, 2015

TBR Tuesday

So here's the thing, my To-Be-Read Jar is looking like this:

And I think it needs a little bit of tidying, thus I created a page where I will be (hopefully) updating my currently reading book each Tuesday. Also every time the page is updated I'll post a post with review of the last book and then another post on TBR-Tuesday showing you the photo of the paper I took out from the jar. 

Rules are that the colored papers are books I have and didn't actually manage to read, the white papers are challenges, of 2015, which go as follows:

  • Read a book with 500+ pages
  • Reread a favorite book
  • Read a 2015 debut novel
  • Read a book that someone else picks
  • Listen to an audiobook
  • Read a book you DNF'd / gave up on
  • Read a new-to-you author
  • Read a book that is not a novel
  • Read/watch a book and its adaptation
  • Read an award winning novel
  • Read a classic novel
  • Read a series finale

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