14 August, 2015

The Mind Readers ~ review

Series: The Mind Readers Series
Paperback: 236 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (September 11, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1492291560
ISBN-13: 978-1492291565
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches


The book is about girl named Cameron, who has a special gift of reading minds. She lives with her grandmother, and lives a normal live, with hiding the ability. Yet it wasn't that easy. She wasn't taught by anyone who wielded such powers, despite the fact her grandmother was just like her. The thoughts of other people were coming right to her, with no way of stopping him. Thanks to that she had no problems forming friendships and passing the tests. And as it's expected everything is fine until someone else comes into her life. A mysterious boy who knows about her ability and tries to convince her to come with him, so she could be taught to master the mind reading.


I just wolfed down this book and I'm considering to buy the rest of the series, because this was freaking amazing. The plot twists and characters' development and all the information. My mind was blown away by the whole structure of the writing and one specific twist I don't want to tell you. It was unexpected really. Lori made a good job writing this and I bet that there is even more to come to.
Recommendation: Any age basically. There are fights, yes, but nothing too bloody. Go on read it! READ IT! 

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