04 July, 2016

I'm back! YAY

After almost a month, no wait two months I'm getting back to this blog. The past two months when I wasn't really active were rough, I got finals from mother tongue, which isn't exactly easy language to go with.
And I know I owe you at least 2 reviews for the books I've read during those THREE months. Yes I've haven't had read much but I'm trying to change that. Change the fact that I wasn't really active and to finally come to live on the internet.

Also there is a problem with my phone and I can't login to my instagram account so I won't be posting there for the time being - that is until I get a new phone - which, hopefully will be soon enough.

The moral of this post? I'll start posting reviews once again. Starting today. And that I won't be active much on Instagram. Without any further ado I'll head onto the reviews!

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