01 April, 2016

Wrap up #3 (March)

So the BookMonth as it is called in Slovakia, was a little little better than the February was I read 2 books! 2!! See that improvement?! Anyway I'm currently reading through another book and I'm feeling really confident I can read more in April. (Let's hope so though. >.<) Onto the lists we go!

~ Reviews ~

Soundless by Richelle Mead - a short fantasy novel
The Passage, a Dance & a Little White Dress - Book No.2 in Enlighten series and oh boy, did I love the book.

~ Currently reading~
Throne of Glass by S. J. Maas - still I have to do somethign with that!! I lvoe the book and I want to move on, but..but..the end..

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - LOVE IT so far <3

School of Deaths by Christopher Mannino - slow read, not much liking it, but have to finish it right?

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