28 February, 2016

Wrap up #2 - February

February was the reading slump month I could say. I couldn't read more than few pages of Sherlock despite him being one of my favourites. Must be because that chunk of a book looks daunting. It has all of Doyle's works in it! Almost a 1000 paged beasts.

Then The TBR book, Pride and Prejudice, that one is slow paced and you need to read in between the text and it's tireing.

Yet I have picked up the Throne of glass again. And I'm halfway done through it so I think I'm back on the track. March should be better hopefully. Right after I go through the competition, then the leaving exam and then few days off on the other side of my country.

~ Reviews ~

Soulless by Ismael Manzano ~ 1st book in a series and its coming out March 8th

~ Currently reading ~

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas ~ a re-read
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur C. Doyle ~ compulsory read
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen ~ TBR jar

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