29 January, 2016

Wrap up #1 - January

So January yeah. I could say that I had more time for reading, but I think i just made myself read more. I've successfully read 3 books in a month which as of the last few years is my personal record..yay! I don't understand how I could read like 5 books in a week, but I guess it was when I had so little responsibilities that I could afford it.

The month was pretty good to be honest. I've launched up the TBR Tuesday finally. Even if it's not every week but I've decided to carry my Kindle anywhere I go and to read at school, which meant picking one of the books I had there. 
Also I've launched Wreck this Wednesday! thanks to my sister's idea (I have to give her that credit) after she gave me the book as Christmas present.

~ Reviews  ~

The Assassin's blade by Sarah J. Maas ~ Prequel to the Throne of glass
The Beholder by Ivan Amberlacke ~ 1st book in a series
Double Dare by Rhonda Nelson ~ short story

~  Currently Reading  ~

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur C. Doyle ~ compulsory read
Soulless by Ismael Manzano ~ 1st book in Soul Broker series (coming out on 8th March)
Throne of glass by Sarah J. Maas ~  a reread

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