31 December, 2015

Wreck This Wednesday ~ intro

I'm starting a new series yay! Wreck this Wednesday.

So what's it going to be about?
I got Wreck This Journal on Christmas from my middle sis and I've decided to post updates on it on my blog. Unthinkable but yes..she knows I'm way too nice to ordinary books and she wanted me to learn not to be so nice.

Well it will work like this. Every Wednesday I'll give  you one or two photos of my updates of what I've done to the journal. Hell I've already started. (my procrastination isn't helping -_-) and let me tell you, some things are...hell. Like I wouldn' do that never.


  1. Carry this with you everywhere you go.
  2. Follow the instructions on ever page.
  3. Order is not important
  4. Instructuons are open to intrepretation.
  5. Experiment. (work against your better judgement)

So that's it and see you on next Wednesday!

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